Thank you for considering Hillhurst Dental for your dental needs. Hillhurst Dental is located on 14th Street NW at 7th Avenue just across from Riley Park in Hillhurst. We are pleased to welcome you as a new patient and look forward to taking care of your dental needs.
As a new patient, feel free to download and complete the documents below to help facilitate your intake. Should you have any questions, please contact us at (403) 263-7779 and our friendly administration team will be glad to assist you.
We want to ensure that your first visit is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. From the time you enter our office to the time you leave, we want you to feel that you’re a part of our Dental family!
Your dental appointment time will be a consultation time with Dr. Nenad Vrbancic or Dr. Kenny Gryckiewicz. Our team will take all the time necessary to discuss your dental health levels, needs, and goals.
We will always try to keep your visit as efficient as possible, ensuring that we start and end on time. Education, diagnosis, and treatment is our goal for all patients. We want to ensure patients understand the importance of a healthy dentition.